Health4all has the following modules
- Out Patient Registration: Input the Out Patient details.
Note: You need to create an Out Patient Form in 'Settings' to be able to see this page.
- In Patient Registration: Input the In Patient details.
Note: You need to create an In Patient Form in 'Settings' to be able to see this page.
- View Patients: View the list of patients already registered with the hospital.
- Update Patients: Update the information of existing patients.
Note: Fields that already have data cannot be edited.
- Diagnostics: Here we capture various diagnostic tests that were performed by the hospital on each patient.
- BloodBank: Here we capture all the Blood donations that were done in the hospital along with the Blood issues done to various patients.
- Sanitation
- HR: Here we capture hospital staff information.
- Equipment: Here we capture the hospital equipment information.
- Consumables: Work in progress.
- Vendor: Here we capture vendor information.
Summary Reports
- OP Summary: Report showing number of Out Patient visits per department, in a given age group.
- IP Summary: Report showing number of In Patient visits per department, in a given age group.
- IP/OP Trends: Report showing number of Patient visits by Day/Month/Year in the selected period.
- ICD Code Summary: Report summary categorizing the diagnosis of each patient visit by ICD code.
- Outcome Summary: Report summary categorizing the final outcome(Dischage/LAMA/Absconded/Death) of each visit
- BloodBank Reports: Contains various BloodBank reports.
- Audiology Report: Summary of new born hearing screening results.
- Sanitation Evaluation
- Orders Summary: Summary of diagnostics tests ordered by department.
- Sensitivity Report: Summary of reactivity of Culture Sensitivity tests, by Antibiotic, and by Organism.
- Detailed Reports
- OP Detail: Report listing out Out Patient visits during a period, with all Patient Details.
- IP Detail: Report listing out In Patient visits during a period, with all Patient Details.
- ICD Code Detail: Report listing out Patient visits during a period, with all Patient Details along with ICD code.
- Sanitation Evaluation
Each of the above modules has User Access Control. Contact Administrator for access.